'Tis the Season!

tis the season alive again llc

‘Tis the season for Christmas parties, office drop-ins, shopping, visiting, and traveling. It’s such a special time of year but we all know instead of Christmas cheer – too often we feel Christmas chaos!

So, I want you to know I am praying for your peace this Christmas.

I hope you’re able to slow down and embrace the majesty of this season and the birth of our Savior, Wonderful Counselor, our Emmanuel, and our Prince of Peace.

Part of finding that inner peace is focusing on what truly matters. I encourage you to concentrate on the Reason for the Season and then, follow just a few healthy holiday hacks to maintain your balance and routine. This will carry you through the next few weeks – feeling rested, ready, and rejuvenated for 2022!

Quick Health Hits:

  1. Keep Moving. No matter what you do, stay active and move your body. Do what makes you feel energized, happy, and invigorated.

    • Pro Tip: Take a walk 20-30 minutes after a meal. This can have a huge, positive impact as we can be most insulin resistant around supper time.

  2. Avoid Insulin Spikes. Heading to a holiday party doesn’t mean denial. Enjoy the richer foods of the season but strive for balance. Enjoy what you eat with the help of digestive enzymes. My go-to is AIM PrepZymes.

Keep Blood Sugar in Your Sweet Zone!

  • Before heading out to that party, eat some good quality protein.

  • If you’re a wine drinker, try opting for a glass of sparkling water upon arrival. When it’s time to eat, select some fiber-rich veggies and protein first, and then enjoy a glass of wine. This helps prevent insulin spikes.

  • Stay hydrated! Water fills you up, causing you to eat less. High-fluid fruits and veggies also go a long way in maintaining fluid levels that alcohol robs from you if you imbibe this time of year.

  • But DON’T drink your calories! If you enjoy a special serving of seasonal treats like eggnog, peppermint mochas, and hot chocolate that’s ok. Just remember they are LOADED with hidden sugars that hit the blood sugar very quickly causing those damaging insulin spikes.

Make Special Moments!

Create opportunities to catch up on special friendships and make time for that one person I bet you rarely think of: YOU!

Get some rest, read that book, and get that massage or manicure!

Lere Robinson